Wednesday, September 9, 2015

On to Verona

We arrived in Verona.  The train's keep a tight schedule.  This is the 2nd time that we had our tickets checked just prior to leaving the train.  Our conductor was a little sloppy on traffic management.  There were people getting on and off at the same time.  I felt like a player blocking in an NFL game.

Our currency exchange teller in Venice told us his favorite city in Italy is Verona.  Venice was his number 2.  We arrived with elevated expectations and weren't disappointed.  While Venice is enchanting, Verona is vibrant with both locals and tourists.  It is truly a livable city.  The city has relics from both the Romans and Lombards.

Vic wants to come back for a second visit and we haven't yet been here a day.  The city seems to have everything except a self service laundry.  Hand washing, air dry;  when you are journeying, there are clothes to wash.

We are in a bed & breakfast, Casapiu Piazza Erbe. we are on the 4th floor, 66 steps, no elevator.  I would kill my travel agent, but I see him in the mirror.  The room is okay.  A/C and wifi work.  We are just a block from Piazza Erbe.  Vic is dying to shop, but we already have too much junk to lug while hiking Cinque Terre next week.

I took 4 missteps today.  My back and ankles are killing me.  Thank God I'm not a horse or Vic would probably put me down.

Till tomorrow:


  1. beautiful pictures... love the bldg structures. Hey what is 66 extra steps when your on foot anyway Don.

  2. We do travel by foot a lot, but we are also riding the train. There is just something about stairs. Probably me tripping over them!

  3. Vic putting you down that is way to funny

  4. Vic putting you down that is way to funny
